Be The Kind of Parent You

Want To Be


Create a relationship with your children based on trust, connection, communication and collaboration


Experience peace, harmony and mutual understanding with your children


Break the generational patterns of your past to ensure peace for future generations

Parenting is hard…

...and without Conscious Effort, our parenting methods can create conflict instead of connection. The authoritarian way some of us have learned to parent from our own experiences creates conflict and frustration, endless power struggles and leaves us with broken and distant relationships with our children. 

When we parent our children without addressing the history of how we were parented, we are destined to repeat painful patterns we ourselves experienced as children, no matter how badly we want it to be different.

It’s Never Too Late to Change Your Relationship

No matter what your relationship with your child(ren) looks like right now, there is hope. Depending on where things are, it can be hard to believe there is truly another way.

I promise you there is. 

None of us start off as parents knowing what to do. We create plans, try to be the people we want to be and watch as our idealistic imaginings get run over by the reality of daily life and the immense pressures of caring for our kids.


I'm Jessica Anger

My career as an elementary school educator began in 1993. I went on to earn my Master's Degree Special Education.

While I cherished my time in the classroom, more than anything, I wanted to be a mom.

My wish came true in 2003, and then again in 2004 and 2008.

Being a mom is harder than anyone could have ever prepared me for. I was responsible for every aspect of three lives. Not just the basics of keeping them alive, but loving them, teaching them, guiding them to become good people.

What a daunting task this often seemed. I always believed that I was approaching parenting with the best of intentions, yet I constantly questioned if I was doing the best I could for each of my three children?

There is no schooling that prepares us for the role of parenting, In fact, the only preparation we have for parenting is our reference to how we were parented. We pick and choose what we liked or didn’t like from our childhood and use that for the basis of our foundation for the beginning of our parenting journey.

Maybe, before becoming a first-time parent, you were lucky enough to take some classes at the hospital that went over birthing techniques with some basic newborn care thrown in. (To this day my husband swaddles one mean baby burrito). What happens when you reach a point in your parenting that wasn’t covered in those 4 hours of classes?

When your toddler has a tantrum in the supermarket or refuses to go to bed at night?

What happens when your child refuses to do their homework?

What if your child lies to you?

What if every conversation you have with your teen turns into an argument?

Filled with questions and a deep desire to strengthen my relationship with my children, I found the Jai Institute for Parenting. The knowledge gained through this program was informational, educational, and transformational.

My children have already benefited from what I have learned, as have I.

I am now a certified parent coach, and have established Ocean Waves Parenting, LLC.

I became a Parenting Coach because I was completely committed to having a relationship with my children built on a strong foundation of trust and communication.

Now I would love to share this knowledge with whomever is open to receiving it.

I help parents overcome their current parenting challenges, establish a deeper connection with their kids, or create a whole new level of cooperation within their family.

I work together with parents to get them the results they are so desiring right now.

Witnessing the changes in families through this work has been nothing short of phenomenal.

Through this work, I recognized the depth and importance of our relationship to their overall success and growth as humans, I became deeply passionate about supporting other parents in this life-changing journey.

All children deserve to be guided and loved by the best version each of us have to offer them, as parents.

I believe that we all want to be loving, peaceful parents that have a meaningful, connected relationship with our children. In order to do that we need to find a way to reimagine and reestablish a different kind of relationship with our kids. 

"Working with Jessica has given me new perspectives in my parenting. There have been several moments throughout our time together when I've felt like I hit a wall. Jessica's ability to empathize and help me dig a little deeper made me feel like change was possible. She has become more than a coach, but someone I knew I could confide in, sharing even the aspects of my parenting that made me feel like I wasn't enough. I'm so grateful for her and the work that she does to support other mamas like me."


“I wish I could get this transformational work into every parents hands! Jessica is a thoughtful and compassionate coach. She brings a mix of empathy, great questions, and practical solutions to her coaching. I look forward to our weekly calls!"


“Teach me to yell”, said no parent ever!

However, everyday challenges arise. You asked your children to do something, anything  5 times, and they just ignored you. You yelled.. You feel like you’re going to spend the rest of your life struggling with your child(ren) and continue to feel like you’re just not doing a good job as a parent. 

I believe that the real issue is that we’re not taught how to be the kind of parents most of us long to be so we end up slipping into the patterns of behavior to help us try to bring some order to the chaos of raising children. At the end of the day, we all just want what’s best for our kids.

I understand how hard it is to ask for the help and support needed as a parent. Which is why when you contact me, you will be met with understanding, a non-judgemental openness and a supportive, personalized, effective plan that I will personally guide you through every step of the way.

Here's How It Works:

When you book a discovery call with me, we’ll have a free 30-45 minute conversation that will enable me to get a sense of what’s going on for you and your family and where I can offer the most support.

I’ll explain my approach and the options we have for working together. You can ask any questions you have and see what type of support would be the best fit for your life and schedule.

If it feels right to you, we can book our first session and get started.  If it’s not a good fit, I will do my best to offer alternative resources or suggestions for support, wherever possible. There’s no pressure of any kind, simply an opportunity to see if we are a good fit to work together. 

“I’m so happy to share this amazing work that Jessica is doing. I have had the pleasure to learn and grow with Jessica firsthand. Parenting is a skill that changes as often as we change our clothes!! It’s the most important, rewarding and challenging role. Having a tool box is essential! Jess helps you dig into the foundations of your own relationships to help navigate your role as a parent through every stage. I highly recommend Jessica to parents at every stage of the game. Parenting is challenging and having support is amazing! We always say our kids don’t come with a rulebook but having someone to help you sort through and work through challenges and celebrate successes is fantastic. I love the work that Jessica does and am thankful for the growth and benefits that I have gained for myself and my family."


Let's Talk!

So that you can stop blaming yourself.

And instead take the first step towards becoming the kind of parent you know you can be.

Schedule Your Complimentary Call Here
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